Copyright means the exclusive right provided under the provisions of the Copyright Act to an author, artist, composer, authorized person(s) or legal heir of an author, artist, or composer for a fixed period to print, publish and sell copies of his/her original work.
Copyright grants creators exclusive rights to their original works, like writings, music, or art. It protects copying, distribution, or public display. Registration isn’t mandatory, but strengthens claims. Copyright typically lasts the author’s life plus 70 years . After that, the work enters the public domain.

This is the subtitle
Numbers that defines us..

Patents Filled
Success Ratio
Trademark Filled

The solution
- Preparing and filing copyright application
- Handling prosecution in order to obtain registration of the Copyright
- Handling litigation and infringement cases
- Drafting deeds, for example, assignment deeds
Drafting assignments and licensing agreements.
Limited offer